I had an interesting experience last Friday on the 14 of September. I went to a muaythai fight with a real ring and all. Pity my father could not join me but it would be something he would have enjoyed. Since he used to train in martial arts, i supposed he watched enough anyway when he was younger.
There were 8 fights in total, with fighters from Thailand, Australia, USA, Japan, France and even Singapore. Like a regular boxing match you see on Tv and movies. They do have that emcee that goes "In the red corner,Weighing 70 kilos, standing 1.75m tall.... blah.. blah" I could tell you all the fights but that would be too long, so i shall highlight a few of them instead.
Russia VS Japan
This match was a really. Painful one. Their rough statistics were:
Russia Japan
Height: 1.85 Height: 1.72
Built: Muscular and lean Built: Thin and lean
Age: 18 Age: 27 Experience: 50 plus fights Experience: Less than 20
Ok, do note that the Russian guy was younger(9 year gap) but he has over 50 fights under his belt, 50 were actually wins and the rest i couldn't remember. The Jap guy looked much weaker and smaller and lesser experience.
The fight started, and the Russian guy fought like he was fighting for mother Russia, which he was. He was vicious, pummeling the poor jap guy and he 18? At one point he pushed the jap guy to the ropes and gave an elbow shot to the top of the jap guys head.
After that point on, the jap guy couldn't fight properly and struggling from getting knocked out.
He was the only fighter of the day that had a count down from the referee.
Anyways the Russian guy won, but i observed during the fight he actually held back certain punches. Which made me think, what would happen if he didn't hold back.
Singapore(Blue guy) VS Singapore(Red guy)
This was the last and final match. I don't remember the statistics but both fighters had under 3 fight experience. Ok, i label them blue and red guy. I supported blue guy, since red guy had irritating friends behind me cheering for him and jeering for the blue guy. Which i thought was not very nice and very irritating. Since they were quite a large crowd, more of the noisy crowd.
So the fight started, blue guy fought like a true muay thai fighter(not being biased) and red guy just fought like a street brawler, which was stupid.
Blue guy fought fiercely with very nice kicks, while red guy could not kick(its muaythai for goodness sake) So red guy just tried to get as close as possible.
And when he was, he would lash out like a mad man with all his punches. But yeah, blue guy nailed more vital hits with his kicks and also punches.
In the end red guy was declared winner.
BUT, this infuriated the Australian referee. He came up and took the microphone and said.
"I don't know what the judges were thinking, but i felt that this boy(blue) showed more muay thai technique and fought well and this boy(red) just fought fought harder. Both boys fought well but i think this boy(blue) should win"
The crowd cheered in agreement, except the group of idiots behind me jeering. But yeah, it felt good to have justice. HaHa. I was quite stunned by it but it was cool.
So that was my Friday night, it was a great experience for me.
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