Thats the imprints on the shirt i wore out today, when i went to the sengkang community centre to study on my own. I cycled despite my back injury as i didn't want to walk today, i cycled with care.
I managed to be quite productive today, i was filled with joy and peace :D
I would tell anyone who asked that my 'O' level prelims are kind of messed up, well on my part cause i didn't study much weeks before. Partly because my Dad's sudden passing on tripped my circuits, at least good to know it wasn't sudden for God. So i couldn't really concentrate or have the mood to study. But somehow God granted me peace, Gods peace. Precious and holy it felt great, i guess most people who bother about their studies would have pressed the panic button by now. I thank God for His peace, with it i know that no matter what happens He has a plan for me. I am always safe in His mighty hands.
Jeremiah 29:11
For i know i have the plans i have for you, " Declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
The amazing thing that happened today was a prompting from the spirit. I decided to go to a river near my place just to see Gods wonders. Somewhere i go just to feel closer to His presence by being nearer to His Creation. As i was making my way, the sun shone brightly and directly in my face, it was so glaring that i could not look up, on top of that the way there was slightly bumpy anyway, then i decided to return home instead(which also meant that i would injure myself again). But i had a prompting from the spirit to just go ahead and not worry about the bumpy road, the inability to see or the higher chance or getting into more pain. :D
And so i did, as i went there were many obstacles in my path(joggers,bumps etc) and with every bump i carefully went over. Oh and remember i could only look down, which means i could only see the concrete my bicycle was on and using only the shadows cast from the surroundings to judge my way. Anyway i couldn't use my hand to cover my face either since i had to be careful with my back. ( Yes crazy and very dangerous) Throughout the journey, i was constantly reminded by myself how stupid i was to do this. I was thinking "Hey buddy(me) you want to injure your back or crash into someone right? For fun right? Stupid ahh?" All that trouble just to get to some river i could go any other day and i have a prelim( pure chemistry) paper tomorrow. Well, i did feel like turning back with all those different reasons in my head. Reasons that tell me there were other things more important.
Finally, i reached. Ok not too bad, i' m fine. Hmmm... i still have the way back to think about. Alright time to do what i came here for, so i started to look and enjoy the scenery. It was great, but today was different, what was about to happen and the beauty i was about to see was something i didn't get all the time.
First, i saw a hawk like bird which was most probably rare. Soaring through the skies majestically, i was like "woah" nice, what more could i ask for?
THEN, from under the bridge i was on, a red coloured beak bird with blue feathers flew right under in front of me. I was like "what?" i have never seen anything like that, its body was different from any other typical bird, it was really beautiful. I bet this bird only a handful of people in Singapore had seen it before.
I was really amazed by the sight God had put before me, inside me i felt a surge of peace and joy. That moment i could really feel Gods peace and joy He put in me. Its an indescribable feeling, i never felt that relieved and happy before when i'm alone. I could feel God with me and showing me personally the wonders He had made. I wasn't looking at anything intently or desperately searching for something, but it was like God pointing it out to me.
Well, it wasn't over. I felt told to look down below at the waters, so i just looked. then i thought something had moved really fast. I kept tracing, then i realised it was school of fish?!?!
Ok, Singapores' rivers are not that clean or clear you know. But i was seeing a school of fishin the river darting around, a river from Singapore that has a murky green colour. WHAT is going on? I have never seen a school of fish in the sea much less river.(From Singapore if i may add)
It was really a great time at the river i had spent there, but i had to go. So i bid farewell to the river and left for home, the way was much better since the sun was behind me. I felt so happy that moment and started smiling to myself and realised everyone i passed was gloomy. Hmm.
Today i left with a message. A message from God. That as we go through life so as to finally see our Creator, there will times that are hard. Times where we have no direction like the sun shining in my face, but God will direct us. Times where we might not be at our best condition like my back being injured, but God will compensate for our weaknesses and put me through it safely. Times where there will be obstacles but God will lead us safely through it.
Finally when we reach and taste Gods goodness, it will be sweeter that we can ever imagine, more than we will ever expect. Like the things i saw, i thought that it was all i could see but more came instead. Heaven is something we can never fathom while on earth.
Since i have tasted a bit of Gods goodness before, i have to tell others. I am sure believers have tasted of Gods goodness in other ways. We should tell as many people as we can, that Jesus has risen from the grave and paid for our sins with His great love and goodness.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, lets fight the good fight and proclaim of Gods goodness.
To one day finally see God face to face.
Those who do not have God in their lives, don't miss out of His goodness. Its free too.
Proverbs 3: 5 - 6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,
In all ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
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