I guess my heart crashed. Sigh
To me, whats important is what you learn from a crash, what are you going to do about it and well, that you live to walk away.
Oh, and here are some photos of me in the aftermath of an incident earlier in the night.
Some flesh wounds, i guess it suits the idea of this post.
Somehow it wasn't the part that really hurt. It hurt more much higher up. I recall a conversation between Gabriel and Clara(A small girl) during my recent mission trip. Clara was pinching Gabriel.
Clara: Why doesn't it hurt?
Gabriel: (Pointing at his heart) It is here that can really hurt me.
Me: (I smiled and agreed)
Eventually, Clara came to pinch me and i said the same thing.
I believe that in a corrupted world that we live in, we will encounter many crashes caused by others or our own ignorance.
I think the way one should react to a crash is to get up and do something about it. If your injured, treat it then go home. Yes it would hurt, but u got to pay the price for that crash.
Sometimes people help you, sometimes people don't. Your friends or family cannot be there for you all the time. This crash there were about 5 passerbys around me when it happened. Well, i guess maybe it was too dark and they couldn't see me skid across the concrete floor or maybe the crickets were too loud and they couldn't hear the metal parts of my bike scratch the ground.
After i got up from the ground, i just stood there and thought. "Thank God, i can still walk and i am not dead by my own hands." God is something that will always be there, though i can't say that at that point God picked me up and dressed my wounds. But God was there, and it gave me that hope to pick myself up and do something about it. And sometimes people may not understand you but i know that God will. For instance, when i was in the bathroom cleaning my wound, my Mum not knowing that i hurt myself was irritated and complained i was taking too long. And as i came out, she gave me a really irritated look. Being in pain already it felt worse, but i understand my Mum didn't know the situation and i love my mum. But God knows, and that makes a difference. Sometimes, no matter what we say or do can make someone believe in the truth that we know but God does. All that matters.
It is a comfort to know that no matter what happens and whether if your alone or not God is still there with you and understands you. I believe when we think God is not near is because we have gone too far away from Him.
For me, i am still walking my walk of recovery from a crash and there will always be crashes while i am still on earth. And the ignorance, the walk back covered in blood, the dressing of the wound and the misunderstanding, it all hurts. But i know someone who has been through more, knows how i feel and picks me up when i am down.
Mr Jesus.
Thank you
p.s thank you for preserving my cyclometer too.
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