Thursday, January 24, 2008

GCE 'O' Level results.

First, i want to thank God for my results and for what He has done. And the fact that i didn't get run down by a car/truck/bus/motor/kick scooter after getting my results. Though it wouldn't really be that sad. At least for me. Ha.

Hello everyone. In case your wondering, i am not going to put my results out here. The closest idea you would get about my results would be that it was at least 20 points lesser than my prelims. No, i am not being upset about my results, though it is not what i have expected.( In good and bad ways) Anyways, don't ask me about my results.

I just had a bad day. Well, we all do. Its time for mine.

Feeling quite perplexed by my results, i decided to go for a bike ride to seletar dam. A place where i have only been once a few years back. I was contemplating whether to bring the street directory. At first i put it in my bag, then i changed by mind and took it out.(What was i thinking) Well, i thought my back was kind of strained the night before and decided not to put pressure on it.(Oh, no wonder)

To cut the long story short, my seat broke off at 1/4 of the journey and i lost my cyclometer($30) and my tail lights($20?). Oh and i got lost, i think i travelled about 20+ km.

Bad day thanks to the back breaking effect of cycling without a seat(keeping in mind my back hurts), the hilly terrain near seletar(my back still hurts), the many cars and trucks that almost killed me, the dog that tried to take a bite at my left thigh, the fact that i intended to relax and most importantly i didn't make it to seletar dam.

But i am fine. Since, i didn't crash my bike or anything. (Just some invisible thing ate my bike parts slowly)

Try not to ask me about my results.
Thank you.

Congratulations to those who did well :)

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