Thursday, September 4, 2008

Twice over.

A little boy had been taught by his father how to carve toys out of driftwood. The boy's greatest accomplishment was making a boat, complete with sails, rigging and rudder. The day came for him to test the water-worthiness of his boat. With great joy, he placed the boat in the water and watched it drift away, as the breeze filled the sails. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind came up and broke the twine attached to the boat, and with no one around to help, he tearfully watched his prize boat sail out of reach and out of sight.

Days went by. One day as he approached a store where various toy boats were sold, he thought he saw his boat in the window. Realizing that it was his boat, he went in to identify it as his own creation. The shop owner told him that he would have to buy his boat back. Retreating, he counted his money and decided to purchase his boat. as the little guy walked out of the shop, he was heard to say, "You are my boat twice over. I made you and now i have bought you."

From "God has never failed me, but he's sure scared me to death a few times" - Stan Toler

God made us. Loves us. And to think He has to buy us back.

I read this story on the train to school and teared.

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